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10 Supplements Every Woman Should Take | Hea Boosters

The world around women has changed a lot, from being caregivers of the family to leading companies and excelling in every field that one can mention. However, these changes also made several modifications to our everyday lives.

These changes are mainly noticed in the way we consume food and how much importance we place in our daily meals. Due to this hectic lifestyle that we lead, we may often miss out on certain important vitamins and minerals that are required for smooth functioning of our body.

So, how do we fill this gap? The basic and most common answer to this problem is consuming vitamin supplements regularly to ensure that we are getting enough nutrients that will allow us to take care of ourselves so that we are ready to take on the world. Therefore, we have compiled a list of vitamin supplements that we, women, should add to our daily routine.

10 supplements every woman should take:

1. Vitamin D supplement:

80% of Indians suffer from vitamin D deficiencies. This is partly because people have been spending less time outdoors and partly because our diet often tends to exclude foods that are rich in Vitamin D. Without sufficient vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen, leading to osteomalacia, or a softening of the bones, which can weaken muscles, too.

According to FSSAI, we need to consume approximately 10 micrograms of vitamin D daily. A cup of fortified milk typically contains 2.6-2.9 micrograms of vitamin D. A cup of fortified soy milk can fulfil 26% - 29% of the daily requirement.

2. Vitamin C supplement:

Vitamin C is considered to cure all problems, be it mental or physical. Yes, it also acts as an antioxidant and strengthens the skin’s barriers against harmful attacks from external microbes and elements alike. The suggested recommendation of Vitamin C is 40 mg for women but increasing to 60 micrograms and 80 micrograms when pregnant and breastfeeding.

An orange contains 35mg of Vitamin C. They’re convenient to carry, are packed with fibre, low in calories, offer loads of other benefits and are available from October to May (depending on which part of India you live in). Most citrus fruits (lemons, lime, grapefruit) in general are rich in this vitamin. With 543 mg per 100 g, lemons are a good option too.

3. B-Vitamins:

Vitamins like B6 and B12 help the body to convert food into fuel for energy. They also contribute to healthy skin, hair, and eyes. Plus, they maintain proper nervous system functioning, metabolism, muscle tone, and a sharp mind. Vitamins B6 and B12 help keep homocysteine levels low, which prevents cases of coronary illness, stroke, and blood clots in women. Women should consume 2 milligrams of vitamin B6 everyday, according to FSSAI.

Fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy products, leafy green vegetables, legumes, many cereals, and some breads are some good sources of B-vitamins.

4. Iron:

Most women have fewer iron reserves in their bodies as we lose most of our iron reserves during menstrual cycles, pregnancies, and nursing. We fail to include food that is rich in iron in our diet regularly, which is why we are often low on energy, suffer from the foggy brain, fragile hair, and nails. Women should take 21 mg of iron everyday and the quantity increases to 35 mg while pregnant.

Dark-green leafy vegetables, lean red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, cereals, beans, and whole grains have a lot of iron content in them. If your diet is not able to fulfil them then taking iron supplements can help.

5. Calcium:

If you're not taking your milk daily, then you may need calcium supplements to keep your bones healthy and strong. A calcium deficiency could put you in danger for osteopenia, a condition that may build your danger of osteoporosis. Women require around 600 mg of calcium everyday and during pregnancy it increases to 1200 mg per day.

6. Zinc:

Most women have been negligent when it comes to including zinc-rich food varieties in their daily eating routine. This becomes an issue as we age, as zinc is an essential part of our mental, bone, and physical wellness, we become insusceptible to illnesses and depression as we age. Every woman should consume 10 mg daily.

7. Folate:

Folate is every woman’s best friend, especially if you’re pregnant, or a mother. During pregnancy, it helps with the development of the baby’s neural tube, which is a major component of the brain and spine. Folate also helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body, deficiency of folic acid may lead to anaemia, fatigue and weakness.

According to FSSAI, women need 200 micrograms of folate everyday and it increases during pregnancy to 500 micrograms per day, and lactating women need 300 micrograms of folic acid per day.

8. Biotin:

Biotin aids in the formation of fatty acids and blood sugar, which are used for energy production in the body. Plus, it helps metabolize amino acids and carbohydrates.
Women require 30 micrograms of biotin everyday.

9. Vitamin A:

Vitamin A ensures proper development and function of your eyes, skin, immune system, and many other parts of your body. Vitamin A makes the list of best vitamins for women, since it plays a vital role in vision support.

Women need around 600 micrograms of vitamin A, which increases to 800 micrograms when pregnant.

10. Probiotics:

If you are not eating fermented food like dahi, buttermilk, idli or apple juice vinegar regularly, then chances are that you may face gut problems. A great many of us aren't benefiting from the elixir of life called probiotics. Probiotics are the new magic pill that you should be consuming if you face problems like irritable bowel, which is very common in periods or during pregnancy and after childbirth. It also has anti-inflammatory effects, which prevent the growth of breast cancer cells.

Apart from the ones mentioned above there are a few supplements that you can take which will help and improve the body's ability to fight off common and chronic infections.

1. Collagen:

In the long run, our bodies' capacity to deliver collagen wears out, so it's a smart thought to think of taking collagen supplements that can bring relief from aging tissue and arthritis. Consuming collagen supplements regularly can also prevent wrinkles, improve skin quality, improve tendons, joints, ligaments, and bones. Every woman should consume 2.5 to 10 grams of collagen per day.

2. Fish oil:

Omega 3's are rich in anti-inflammatory properties which are essential in maintaining heart health as well as physical and mental well-being. Every woman should consume 3.5-ounce servings of cooked fish every week to get their fill of the omega-3s EPA and DHA for heart-medical advantages or they can take a supplement of 250 milligrams or a greater amount of EPA and DHA.

3. Fiber:

Getting sufficient fiber is beneficial not only for women but for everybody. Consuming ample amounts of fiber helps in keeping your bowel movement regular, lower cholesterol as well as control your glucose levels. Women should consume at least 25 grams of fiber each day.

Other notable vitamins that you should be aware of include:

- Iodine
- Magnesium
- CoQ10


We hope that we have helped you a little. Considering which vitamin is good for you can be difficult, however, we recommend that you take a complete blood test to assess your current health and ask your physician which supplements suit you best.

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