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DIY tips to control hair fall and prevent hair loss


Running a brush through your hair and abruptly stopping because there are more than a hundred broken strands of hair in the brush. 

It is perfectly normal to lose about 50-100 strands of hair per day, but if the number is more than that, then it can be considered severe hair loss. So, if you have been looking for home remedies for hair fall control then this is the perfect spot for you. 

Too much dust buildup, environmental factors, health issues, and skin infection along with other variables could be the main reasons behind hair fall.  

hair fall

So rather than losing more hair because of stress and tension, you can try some DIY home remedies that can help with hair fall control. Normal methods of treating hair fall control could not be very effective in treating the issue, you need something extra to give your body the boost to make your hair stronger and shinier. 

Tips for Hair Fall Control

  1. Tying your hair very tight could lead to hair breakage, so it's best to tie your hair loosely to make sure they can breathe and are free.  
  2. Do not overuse heating appliances as they harm hair more than good.  
  3. Natural remedies for hair fall control are more effective than chemical-based hair fall treatments.
  4. Use a scarf on your head when going out in the sun to protect your scalp from sun damage. 

Do-It-Yourself Remedies For Hair Fall Control

jojoba oil

  1. Jojoba Oil 

Jojoba oil is known to aid in hair growth and make your hair stronger, healthier, and stronger. Jojoba oil is one of the best remedies for hair fall control. Too much sebum creation can make hair weak and susceptible to breakage. All you need to do is massage your head with jojoba oil and leave it for at least an hour before washing your hair. Do this at least 1-2 times each week for healthy and strong hair. 

  1. Amla (Indian Gooseberry) 

Amla is another home remedy that makes our hair stronger, healthier, and shinier. It has been used for treating several skin conditions and illnesses for over a century. The proliferative effects of the Indian gooseberry help stimulate new hair by working in the dermal papilla cells found in the hair follicles. For this cure, all you need to do is use freshly squeezed amla juice and apply that to your scalp. Leave it on for around 30 minutes and wash it off with a mild shampoo and conditioner. 


  1. Fenugreek 

Fenugreek is used for hair fall control as well as new hair growth. For this cure, you should take two to three tablespoons (based on hair length) of fenugreek seeds and soak them in the water overnight. The following day, crush the seeds partially to make a paste out of it. Apply it as a hair mask and leave it for about 60 minutes. Once dry, wash it off with mild shampoo and conditioner. Do this at least once a week. 

onion juice

  1. Onion Juice 

Another elixir for hair fall control is onion juice. This remedy is known to delay hair fall, promote new hair growth as well as make your hair shinier and stronger. For this cure, you need half an onion and crush it. Press the juice out and apply it to your scalp. Leave it for around 30 minutes and wash it off with shampoo followed by conditioning. 

curry leaves

  1. Curry Leaves 

Curry leaves are one such home remedies that will not only help retain the natural color of your hair but also help in advancing new hair growth. It controls hair fall and reinforces the follicles. For this cure, you need about 25-30 curry leaves and one cup of coconut oil. Add the two of them to a vessel and heat it till the color turns black. Let it cool down and then strain the concoction. Apply on your scalp and leave it for 60 minutes. Wash it with a mild shampoo followed by a conditioner.


Hair fall control remedies should not be complicated and expensive as not every one of us has the time and budget to invest in costly oil mix and more. So, if you are looking for something that you can do easily at home, then we hope that these remedies can help you overcome hair loss. 

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