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Does Vaginal Discharge Change During Your Menstrual Cycle?

Does Vaginal Discharge Change During Your Menstrual Cycle?  

The vagina is one of the complicated yet simple creations of God. can be a chaotic issue, and a discharge cycle is a major piece of that. Vaginal discharge (also known as 'leukorrhea') is the layman term used to define the liquids that come out from the vagina. These liquids are composed of cervical bodily fluid, vaginal liquid, and microbes. 

How Common Is Vaginal Discharge

Although most of us think that vaginal discharge is awful and unhealthy, it's nothing to stress over. A healthy amount of discharge means that your vagina is doing its thing and cleaning itself. 

The consistency, amount, and color of the discharge change all through your cycle because of hormonal changes (for instance, you may discharge regularly before your period starts). Healthy vaginal discharge colors range from white to clear, and the consistency varies from slippery to thick. 

The vaginal discharge isn't a terrible thing. The discharge doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with your vagina, however, a lack of normal discharge could mean that something is wrong. A normal discharge could seem "messy" but it is essential for personal hygiene and health. 

These things will disturb your vaginal microbiome and possibly cause unfortunate changes in your discharge. Your vaginal discharge can show you a ton about your wellbeing, ripeness, and regardless of whether you've got an infection (counting a few types of STIs). 

Becoming more acquainted with your vaginal discharge makes it that much simpler to spot when something's not exactly right. You simply need to know your body – and when you should see your doctor. 

Phases of Vaginal Discharge 

The vaginal discharge is normal just like your periods. A little change in the color, smell, or even consistency can help you in figuring out which period of the monthly cycle you're in. 

However, if you are taking contraception, you're less likely to see any changes in your discharge. This is because the levels in your chemicals (ie. estrogen and progesterone) are more consistent contrasted with people not taking hormonal contraception. 

Here is how your vaginal discharge changes all through each period of the monthly cycle, and how to spot a difference between healthy versus unhealthy discharge. 

period discharge

Discharge During Period 

During menstruation (also known as your period), the blood mixes with bodily fluid or mucus. So, chances are you might not see any changes to your discharge. In the days after periods, you might notice a very little vaginal discharge or even it might be missing entirely. In case it's brownish, relax, it might be because the uterus is ousting old blood from your period

Discharge Before Ovulation 

In the days up to the ovulation (during the follicular stage), estrogen levels begin to rise and your cervix begins creating more mucus. Many individuals experience smooth white discharge at this stage which is thick and velvety inconsistency. While you're outside of your fertility window, your vaginal bodily fluid is deliberately thick to catch any sperm.  

Discharge During Ovulation 

Ovulation is the point at which you produce the most discharge. Try not to panic if you feel "wetter" than expected. Estrogen levels peak in the first one to two days before ovulation, so vaginal discharge will be egg whites, clear, and slippery. 

Additional Tip: If you want to know your ovulation window, simply take some discharge between your index finger and thumb, if it is stretching, it means you are ovulating! 

Discharge During The Luteal Stage 

Just after ovulation, you might see changes in the amount and consistency of your discharge. Luteal discharge may feel dry, sticky, or might be missing. Progesterone stops to help increase the chances of pregnancy, hindering the discharge of cervical bodily fluid and preventing sperm from entering the upper reproductive tract. 

Understanding Unhealthy Vaginal Discharge 

The discharge is profoundly dependent upon where you are in your period, so it's typical for it to change in amount, consistency, and color. There are a couple of ways in which you can differentiate between healthy and unhealthy. 

Unusual Vaginal Discharge Color and Consistency 

The unusual and unhealthy vaginal discharge can be understood through radical changes in color and consistency of the discharge. 



Green and foamy discharge is regularly brought about by an STD called trichomoniasis. It is also accompanied by inflammation, burning sensation, and irritation.  


Thrush or Chlamydia 

Discharge that is lumpy (like curds), could mean the presence of thrush. Symptoms of chlamydia can mirror that of thrush. If you notice a white discharge with itching, burning, or agonizing pain when urinating, then you need to see your doctor soon. This is a common case when you have unprotected sex.  

Vaginal Discharge With The Smell 

An extreme change in smell is probably one of the most common ways of knowing the presence of bacteria, and it's the reason various gynecologists conduct a "sniff test". The typical vaginal discharge has no smell, however, if you notice a fishy or off-putting smell it could be because of bacterial vaginosis (BV). The smell can become more prominent after unprotected sex.  


No matter what time of the monthly cycle you are in, you should always take care of your intimate hygiene. A little lack in maintaining proper personal hygiene could lead to severe medical conditions like vaginitis, STDs, UTIs, and more. So, always maintain your intimate hygiene and keep track of your discharge. 

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