What Is BMR and How To Calculate It?
What Is BMR and How To Calculate It?
You must be aware that everything you consume throughout the day is used by your body to perform essential functions like walking, digestion, and even breathing.
Do you know why some people burn through fat consumed faster than others? The answer is simple. Their metabolism rate is faster than other individuals who might consume the same calories as you. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is one of the ways to gauge the base number of calories a person requires every day to keep up with these functions even when they are resting.
Read below to understand what BMR is, how it differs from Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), and how you can calculate them.

What are BMR and RMR?
A person can change their BMR through cardiovascular exercises. BMR helps you calculate the number of calories you need to consume to support essential life functions, including when you are resting. Some of the activities that can affect your BMR are:
- Breathing
- Blood circulation
- Absorption and digestion
- Body cell functions
BMR versus RMR?
Although many of us often interchange and use the terms BMR and RMR reciprocally, these are two very different tests, and their methods to calculate them are also different.
The BMR assesses the base number of calories you need every day to support your essential life functions, even when they are resting. However, you need to follow the below-mentioned conditions to make sure the BMR test is accurate. These include:
- Fasting for 12 hours before the test
- Resting for 8 hours before taking the testing
- Undergoing test in a temperature-controlled dark room
- Testing in a leaned back position
The RMR gauges the number of calories you consume when you are idle. In a controlled climate, individuals don't have to quick or rest for a drawn-out period to get a gauge. Since the testing states of estimating the RMR are less rigid than those needed to quantify the BMR, the RMR might be somewhat less precise than the BMR.
How To Calculate BMR?
Various tests are performed to calculate BMR, which measures the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide you take in and out, also known as "Calorimetry." It is a method of estimating the number of calories your body is using.
BMR also takes into account your:
- Height
- Weight
- Age
- Sex
How To Calculate RMR?
There are two methods through which you can calculate RMR with efficiency. These methods include the Revised Harris-Benedict BMR Method and the Mifflin-St Jeor BMR Method. Both may have different results based on different individuals.
To compute RMR, you can plug the accompanying qualities into the applicable segments of their picked condition:
- Weight (in kilograms)
- Height (in centimetres)
- Age (in years)
How RMR Is Calculated Under
Harris-Benedict BMR Method -
- Men: (88.4 + 13.4 x weight) + (4.8 x height) – (5.68 x age)
- Women: (447.6 + 9.25 x weight) + (3.10 x height) – (4.33 x age)
Mifflin-St Jeor Method -
- Men: 9.99 x weight + 6.25 x height – 4.92 x age + 5
- Women: 9.99 x weight + 6.25 x height – 4.92 x age – 161
As per the various studies, the Mifflin-St Jeor BMR Method is more exact than the Revised Harris-Benedict BMR Method.
Why Is BMR Significant?
Both BMR and RMR demonstrate the number of calories you consume very still. This data could be helpful for individuals who find it challenging to deal with their weight.
Suppose you are trying to lose weight and get thinner. In that case, computing BMR or RMR could help you sort out the number of calories you need to burn every day, or you can also achieve this by consuming enough calories to keep the essential body functions working.
Assuming you need to put on weight, you could also use the BMR or RMR computation to determine the number of additional calories you might have to consume to gain your desired weight. If you want to calculate your metabolic rate, there are various calculators of BMR available online that are accurate.
How Many Calories Should One Consume?
The all-out number of calories essential to support essential life capacities shifts from one individual to another. A few factors that can impact your calorie prerequisites incorporate their:
- Height
- Weight
- Age
- Gender
- Activity level
- Body structure
The FSSAI has issued guidelines for the number of calories a person should consume daily.
- 1,600 to 2,400 calories each day for women
- 2,000 to 3,000 calories each day for men
The rules show that as individuals age, their BMR will, for the most part, decline. It implies that they will require fewer calories than when they were more youthful.

The quantity of calories you might require is moreover incompletely subject to your activity levels. As a rule, a less dynamic individual will need fewer calories than you who practices routinely.
How You Can Improve Basal Metabolic Rate
There are a few variables affected in figuring out your BMR and RMR. Of these variables, the two that you might change are their body piece and their weight.
You can change their BMR and RMR by reducing the amount of fat you might be consuming through your food and gaining more lean muscle mass. To accomplish this, you need to do the following:
- Healthy eating regimen
- Try resistance training
- Cardiovascular exercises

A Final Word From Us
Both BMR and RMR evaluations might help understand the calorie requirements of individuals trying to lose weight or gain weight. It allows you to understand the number of calories you should be eating every day and burning to accomplish your desired weight objectives.
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